Mosques, Predators, and Preachers! This past week offered some intriguing, challenging, and controversial posts dealing with a broad spectrum of legal, political, and religious issues. Here are seven posts you may have missed, but should take a few minutes this weekend to read and digest.
The Ground Zero Mosque is discussed by Michael Debusk in his post, Religious Liberty and the Mosque Near Ground Zero and by Bart Barber at Praisegod Barebones. You can read my take on this controversial issue in I Love NYC, But Hate Idea Of Mosque at Ground Zero.
Debbie Kaufman, over at Ministry of Reconciliation, has written a three post review (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) of This Little Light, the powerful autobiography by Christa Brown chronicling her abuse at the hands of a Baptist pastor. The blog posts and the book should be read by anyone interested in how we can protect our churches from sexual predators who seek to harm the most vulnerable and innocent among us.
Finally, Jason Smathers’ post, Police officer finds Gospel offensive, arrests preacher, at Witnesses Unto Me, illustrates the collision of law and Christianity within our culture. Did the police officers violate the preacher’s rights by not allowing him to continue preaching in the park? And, even if his rights were violated, was the preacher’s approach to proclaiming the Gospel the most effective way of sharing the life-changing message of Jesus Christ with people that day?