I’m no Joe DiMaggio and, our nation, as lonely as she may seem at the moment, is not turning her eyes in my direction. But, perhaps some — family, friends, church members, and even internet strangers — might, from time to time, turn their eyes to my little corner of the blogosphere. That’s why I’m…
I’m Back, Baby! I’m Back! (with obligatory Seinfeld reference)
It’s a beautiful day in Carlsbad, New Mexico. If you have found this post, then you know that “From Law to Grace” is now back online. I am excited to graciously communicate Biblical truth at the intersection of culture, law, politics, and religion in America today. Much has changed over the last four years and,…
Democrats Embrace Infanticide & the Abortion god
When my wife was very pregnant with our three sons — all born before their expected due date at two, two, and four weeks early respectively — I can’t remember the number of people who asked us, “When is your fetus due?” Well, on second thought, I can remember the number — zero. zip. nada….
The Jussie Smollett Story: Racism, Greed & the Love of Money
Well, now we apparently know that Empire actor Jussie Smollett’s fanciful — and now discredited — allegations of a racist, homophobic attack last month were all about one thing — MONEY. Not content with making upwards of $65,000 per episode for 18 episodes (which translates into over $1 million per season), Chicago Police have concluded…
Snow Days, Family Time & Enjoying the Little Things in Life
Growing up in Flordia, I was unfamiliar with the term “Snow Day.” The closest we ever got to one was on January 19, 1977, when I was in the 5th grade. That day, the snow — from the sky, not the other stuff which was already there — made it all the way to Miami. Looking…